Sunday, May 31, 2015

Culture shock

We are not in Kansas anymore. 

This place is crazy town and I'm not 25.  

Had my first little freak out last night and needed to reach out to my brother Brian for a pep talk which he gave me, and it's helped. That said I haven't gone outside yet today to do it all over again. I keep reminding myself that I've done this before, AND my 72 year old father did this last year with ease. The biggest issue is the sweltering heat and humidity as it makes everyone (me) more irritable and less able to go with the flow. I'm sure it's worse in the cities and was bad in Hong king but we had more frequent areas of air conditioning and there were actually predictable traffic rules!

We are staying on backpacker row amongst many travellers in their twenties and a few older ones too. Have not seen any other kids yet. Hotel is nice, clean and the family room is spacious. Great area if you can actually cross the street...

Freak out part two came when we were supposed to cross the street...of course I remember my brother and Dad describing this, but until you are faced with actually having to make it to the other side, it doesn't seem real. Being a Mom now with my kids in tow is a very different experience. Craig crossed and then had to come back to get us as we had been too scared to follow him. You are supposed to just walk slowly and confidently but I wasn't confident that the kids wouldn't make any sudden movements! Anyway, we made it and did a few more street crossings and I think we're starting to get the hang of it. Abby asked at one point, "don't they have lights and lines on the streets?"  Nope. Appears they do not. 

The monsoon didn't help things in terms of stress, BUT it did take a number of degrees off the heat and allowed us to have some relief even if we were wearing plastic bags. 

It's culture shock. Japan and Hong Kong were fancy and easy. This is the real start of the adventure portion of this backpacking trip. 

The positive was that Abby picked up a little mirror at the night market for a fraction of the Hong Kong market prices and she was happy. Robin has already bought her first pair of elephant baggy backpacker pants and noted that those, a tank top and Birkenstocks are really trendy! Trendy in SE Asia I might add, not sure you'd wear that in Etobicoke!

Today is a new day and after a good sleep and an email from my pro traveller brother, I am ready to face the heat. I mean day. 


  1. I have to admit your post made me chuckle. It's like real life frogger right?! Try some coffee when you find some AC. Ask for some yogurt in it. Sounds gross but it tastes awesome. I will have to look up what it's called. Enjoy!

  2. Hi All,

    We are really enjoying reading about all your adventures.

    Beth, this post was so heartfelt and honest. I keep thinking about what an amazing role model you are for your girls. Even if you are having some "freak out moments", think about what you guys are accomplishing together! You made it across the street :) Your girls, are going to come across something difficult in life, and instead of giving up, they are going to say to themselves, "If I can cross the crazy streets of Hanoi, I can do anything!" These are incredibly valuable things that they will carry through their own lives. I know I don't have the stamina to do this kind of trip, so, I am super-impressed with you all!

    Ok, I'll stop being all preachy. I just wanted you to know that I think you are awesome. And it is ok to have your moments. Your life has changed just a wee bit!

    Everything chugging along here as per normal. Grade 8's are close to grad. Just a few projects left to finish. School is winding down quickly!

    Enjoying reading this every day. I'm thinking of you guys! You are all amazing!

